Wow! The third trimester…it’s crazy that we’re here already. I absolutely LOVE being pregnant and whilst I don’t want it to end as I’m feeling bump move more and more (which is amazing), I CANNOT wait to meet our little one.
Note: depending on which app you use, or the resources you follow throughout your pregnancy, the third trimester starts at either week 27 or 28. I’ve always put it to start at week 27 so that’s where we’ll begin this post…
37 weeks pregnant!
Week 27
In all honesty, this week has been like any other and I have to remind myself that I’m pregnant! That said, I have found that a particular sudden movement causes a sharp pain in my lower back/pelvis but it’s so, so quick that I can’t pinpoint exactly what type of action it is that causes it. Other than that, no aches or pains and I’m loving the bump.
Workouts: Running has returned! I went for a short run on my own midweek and felt really good. Top tip: turn the km notifications off on your apps and just run. Run until you don’t want to run anymore, take the pressure off and try to go in with no expectations. I went on two more runs this week - I’m happy just to be back at it.
Week 28
Baby’s movements are getting so much stronger now and with real consistenty across the day. My favourite time is first thing in the morning; the hubby and I start our day just enjoying the kicks and punches. With an anterior placenta I have previously only felt kicks around the sides and low down but I’m sure I caught a few at the front this week too.
I had my 28-week midwife appointment this week (obviously). Another top tip if you’re reading this pregnant during the pandemic: get your partner on speaker phone during these midwife appointments. It helps them feel involved as they can listen to the heartbeat and it also takes the pressure off of you to ask the questions (and remember all of the information given to you). Bloods were taken and I had my anti-D injection (because I’m Rhesus negative) and we briefly discussed birth preferences. We’re hoping for a home birth!
During this appointment my bump was measured and it actually came in a little below the lower percentile when plotted so I was referred to the hospital for a check up scan. As hard as you try not to worry, anxiety sets in a bit whenever you hear that your baby or pregnancy has deviated from the ‘norm’.
Workouts: Three runs, all around 5.5km at a steady pace. I’m so (pleasantly) surprised at how strong I feel, in my core and pelvic floor. It just goes to show that the consistency and effort put in during those weeks taking a break from running has paid off. I also did a couple of home workouts, with a real focus on keeping my glutes strong and my upper body mobile.
Week 29
This week started with a growth scan at the hospital. I had the loveliest midwife/sonographer who measured baby, checked the amount of amniotic fluid and also the health and functioning of the placenta and umbilical cord. Thankfully, everything was perfectly fine! Baby was fidgeting away, actually hindering the scan as he/she was kicking at the doppler when the midwife pressed it down to get a better view! Cheeky baby! Once the measurements were plotted it turned out that baby is within the normal range for growth and there’s no reason to worry. The Sonographer said that the discrepancy could have been due to baby’s position (he/she tends to lie transverse i.e. diagonally) or simply how the midwife measured.
This week is also moving week - yay!
Workouts: a couple of home workouts and one 5.6km run. Home workouts remain similar to non-pregnancy routines, I would say the main difference is in having to be more aware of my core. Getting into some positions e.g. the glute bridge, requires a roll over onto my back as opposed to simply curling down from a seated position (this is to avoid excessive doming down the midline of my tummy) but that’s to be expected. Weights aren’t progressing purely because I don’t have any higher but that’s fine too, maintenance is the goal for now.
Week 30
It feels like only yesterday that we found out we were pregnant…how time flies! Also 30 weeks sounds much closer to B-day than 29…it’s like the clock turned midnight, we entered week 30 and all of a sudden the countdown is on!
I’ll be honest, the lead up to and the actual house move took it out of me. We worked non-stop over the weekend to try and make at least a couple of rooms habitable for the short term whilst we flip the lounge, our room and what will be baby’s room and whilst I didn’t do any heavy lifting, the up and down, back and forth, and general lack of any rest, left me feeling pretty tired at the beginning of this week.
That said, after a couple of slower days, I felt much better and able to crack on with business as usual.
Bump seems to be having a growth spurt; a very round, wriggly tummy is certainly prominent. I’m feeling little bits of movement perhaps every other hour but he/she is still most active in the super early hours (around 1am) and then again when the alarm is going off at 6:15am.
Sleep isn’t great as my legs are getting restless again and my hips are starting to ache a little too during the night.
This week baby’s car seat was delivered, we picked up the pram from a friends’ and put up baby’s changing table. I also ordered a load more things online - baby’s are expensive!! Seeing these big items around the house is exciting but also makes me realise how much there is still do it! I’m dying to sort out the nursery but it’ll be another few weeks before we can do that.
Workouts: outside of delivering online PT sessions, I’ve spent a lot of time this week sat at the laptop planning and programming for everyone’s online training whilst I’m on maternity leave. As a result my upper back has felt super tight so I added a number of mobility sessions to the week alongside 3 home workouts and a couple of runs.
Week 31
The highlight of this week came at the end when I went for a solo run. Perhaps it was because the park was busier than the usual route I do, or because it was the first time I didn’t wear a jacket so my pregnant belly was on show (not literally!), but I felt like all eyes were on me. Get this…one couple actually pointed me out! Now, this may have been for the purpose of saying '“great job!”, however I didn’t get that impression and finished the run a little put out. A reminder to all of the pregnant runners, exercisers and fitness enthusiasts reading this: as long as you’re comfortable, making reasonable adjustments and your medical team have okay-ed your continued routine, they YOU DO YOU!
Workouts: three home workouts, 1 run and plenty of yoga to keep the niggles at bay.
Week 32
This week we had our first panic about reduced movement which resulted in me calling the Pregnancy Assessment Unit. Baby didn’t have his/her usual morning rave - I tried massaging my bump and getting up to do a short yoga flow as usually when in downdog baby seems to have a bit of a kick about as if to say ‘what are you doing to me, Mummy!?’ but that morning there was nothing. I called PAU and they suggested I eat something and lie down to see what happens, then to call back in 30 minutes if nothing happened. Thankfully, after polishing off a bowl of oats, baby started dancing around and I cannot tell you how relieved we were.
Another panic this week came in the form of feeling very unprepared should baby make an early arrival after the hubby was told a tale of a friend-of-a-friend who had their baby at 32 weeks. This prompted a super romantic date night trip to ASDA where we picked up a some nappies, a few cartons of formula (just in case) and some bits we still needed for the birth bag etc. Whilst I do hope baby stays put for at least a few more weeks, it was the kick up the bum we needed to start and get more prepared with the little things.
We ended the week actually packing the birth bag - another great step to take in order to feel more prepared!
Workouts: 3 home workout sessions. Still feeling really good and not having to adapt much to accommodate bump. Note: If I were at the gym I would certainly be modifying (namely reducing weights) but as I only have some light equipment at home, this isn’t an issue right now.
Week 33
This week was all about finishing programmes for my clients to crack on with whilst I’m on maternity leave. This was a much bigger task than anticipated and one that I was starting to stress about getting done in time. There are still 3 weeks until I start maternity leave but I want to make sure my clients aren’t left in the lurch and that I can fully relax once baby is here (not be worrying about missing something or resolving issues). Being self-employed is incredible, and something I don’t think I could not do moving forward, however it does come with it’s own challenges and the decision around when and how much maternity leave to take has proven to be a big one.
I’m making lots of walking dates with friends at the moment, trying to catch up with everyone and spend quality time with them before the baby comes. As easy as it is to say ‘things won’t change that much once the baby arrives’, of course things will change and I can’t predict how, so taking the time to show my friends they’re still important to me is a real focus. Thankfully, they’re all super excited for us and many have babies of their own already.
Workouts: 4 full body workouts and a short run. The pace is pretty consistent which surprised me - amazing how resilient the body is!
Week 34
I’ve noticed a dip in energy this week, which I guess is understandable at 34 weeks. A little nausea has creeped back in too.
Bump was measuring small again (just below the 10th percentile) at my 34-week midwife appointment so I have to go for another growth scan. I tried to remind myself that if they were really concerned, they would have me visit PAU straight away, not wait a couple of days, so baby will be fine. Both me and my husband aren’t the tallest of people so it would be no surprise that our baby is on the smaller side but as before, it’s never easy to hear that you have to have an extra scan to check on something.
Workouts: 3 full body workouts and a run. This run may have been my last - it felt good but I tired much sooner and ended up opting for intervals (3 minutes running, 1 minute walking) to keep my heart rate down and to allow for more rest.
Week 35
Still feeling pretty tired this week - had one or two naps which isn’t something I’ve had to do for the most part of this pregnancy. An obvious sign that it’s definitely time to take things a little easier. I’ll be saying ‘goodbye for now’ to some of my clients this week and easing into maternity leave which officially starts at week 37.
We had our growth scan after measuring small at the midwife appointment. Placenta flow and the amount of amniotic fluid is perfectly fine but this time baby’s head and tummy both measure below the 10th percentile. I have to go back in 2 weeks for another scan and if baby is still small, the midwife broached the subject of potentially inducing should a decision be made that baby will be better off outside than in. This was a pretty overwhelming conversation, made all the more so by the fact that my husband wasn’t allowed into the appointment and was left waiting in the car (thanks COVID)!
At the time I simply absorbed the conversation and didn’t really ask questions but soon after the questions came flooding in so we’ve written them down and will be sure to ask them at the next appointment.
It’s crazy to think that baby could be here (naturally or following induction) in the next two weeks. What we’re struggling to get our head around though is that it could be 2 weeks, but it could just as easily be 7 weeks! There’s just no telling. I’ve had some more Braxton Hicks - no pain, just discomfort - and also a little sporadic cramping. Think this is pretty normal and hopefully a sign that my body is gearing up to do it’s thing!
This week ended on an incredible high with the husband and his Mum organising me the best baby shower! Even with COVID restrictions it was lovely and just so good to have friends and family here to celebrate our little one!
Workouts: following the appointment, and the fact that I’m feeling more tired, I’ve just done two bodyweight workouts this week plus the usual dog walks. I spoke to the midwife who assured me that exercise isn’t likely a factor in baby’s size but I feel like I should do anything I can to conserve energy and encourage baby to chunk up a bit.
Week 36
My last week before starting maternity leave! It’s a surreal concept as I bloody love my job and I am already feeling apprehensive about what my work life will look like after taking a few months off. This week I have just 10 hours of 1-2-1s plus some last minute behind-the-scenes bits to be cracking on but otherwise I’m trying to ease into relaxed mode and step up the hypnobirthing practise as baby really could come anytime now.
I booked the hubby and I a special weekend ‘Boozy Brunch’ (virgin cocktails for me, of course!) as a ‘thank you’ for all of the work he’s been doing renovating the house - he’s working his butt off to try and get the nursery and lounge finished ahead of bubba’s arrival. It was lovely to spend that quality time together.
I also booked myself in for a pregnancy massage at the end of the week to mark the beginning of my maternity leave. I went to CALM Yoga Studios in Burton (they have one in Derby too) and it was bliss!
Workouts: plenty of yoga flows and walking plus just one full body session at home. Whilst I continue to feel good, I definitely feel a change in energy levels and motivation. I’m keen to rest up and reserve energy right now.
Week 37
We went back for the growth scan this week. Another easing of lockdown rules meant that the hubby could come with me this time.
The scan couldn’t have gone better! Baby has grown a little - they estimate he/she is around 5.5lbs and that if they go to full term they could reach 6.5lbs. We’ve always said that if we managed to reach 36 weeks and have a baby 6lb+ then we’d be chuffed. I don’t know where these numbers came from but it looks like we may hit them.
The hubby booked the latter half of the week off to spend some quality time together before baby comes. It’s been lovely - we’ve brunched, walked, pottered and just enjoyed each others company. If possible, I really do recommend asking your significant other to do the same. Things are going to change in a big way, make the most of the time you have left as a twosome.
I had consistent cramps for most of this week. Again, nothing too bad, just period pain-type aches. That was until Monday (37+6 days!) when the cramps ramped up a bit and moved into my back. I found myself swaying a fair bit to ease the sensations and come 7:30pm Monday evening, we were timing surges wondering if this is it! Turned out….it was!
Workouts: lots of walking and stretching. I also did a short and sweet low-weight full body session on what turned out to be the day I went into labour. I read that you get a surge of energy on labour day, which I can 100% relate too.
Week 38
Baby Arlo arrived at 38 + 0 weeks! Stay tuned for my full birth story…it’s a good’un!
Little did I know, this would be my last bump photo! 37+6 weeks!