Wow! We’re here already! Goodbye second trimester, hello to the third; the home stretch! It may sound like a cliché but time has absolutely flown by!
For me, the second trimester has been really quite lovely. For the most part I’ve felt like myself again - no nausea, my energy levels were back up and I’ve been able to do much of what I was doing pre-pregnancy (with a minor detour from running as you’ll find out).
Now, you may be reading this thinking I’m one of the ‘lucky ones’. I hear horror stories about sickness that carries on well into the second trimester and working as I do, I understand that aches and pains can plague these weeks so I count my blessings. If any of you reading this are still suffering the effects of morning sickness, or perhaps pelvic girdle pain, round ligament pain or any other aches and ailments, then I really hope you’ve found a means of coping with and managing your symptoms!
If you haven’t already, go check out my account of my first trimester here.
Week 13
We’re still revelling in the high after seeing baby on screen! The scan photo has taken pride of place on the bedside table and brings a cheesy grin to my face every time I see it.
It’s such a relief and so exciting to be able to share our news with family and friends! After the year we’ve had facing COVID lockdowns and restrictions, to be able to spread some happy news is amazing and everyone is thrilled for us. Telling my clients has been fun too! Some of them had their suspicions, which is interesting - they’re a good bunch those lot and it seems little slips past them!
Exercise: Daily dog walks and two gym sessions with my usual routine though taking extra rests when needed to keep my heart rate in check. I also went for my first run since finding out we’re pregnant. Whilst it is absolutely fine to run during early pregnancy (if you were a consistent runner prior to pregnancy), our personal anxieties, my queasiness and a lack of energy meant that I didn’t. This week I ran with my hubby who acted as pace-setter. We took it steady, found a flat route and talked the whole way around. It felt so good to run.
Week 14
I’m definitely feeling my energy levels pick up! I feel much more like myself though sleep is still an issue, so much so that more times than not to keep from waking my hubby, I’m going into the spare room in the early hours.
I think I’m allowing this pregnancy to sink in a bit now. Before I was hesitant to let myself get too excited for fear of things going wrong again but a family friend sent us some hand-knitted booties this week and they're so adorable. It’s hard not to feel giddy.
Exercise: In addition to my usual gym workouts the hubby and I have decided to try for two runs a week; a short mid-week one followed by something at the weekend where we can slowly build up distance. Stamina is incredibly important during pregnancy and labour!
Week 15
Spoke too soon, anxiety is beginning to creep back in. It’s like the better I feel in myself, the more worried I am that things are going to go wrong. Speaking to other Mums it seems that this is quite normal. We can’t see a bump yet and we can’t feel anything, nausea is gone and all the food is back on the table, so there are no outward signs that I’m even pregnant! The need to know that baby is healthy is quite overwhelming!
Saying that, one sign of this pregnancy is well and truly prevalent - restless legs at night! This uncontrollable urge to move my legs - the duvet feels heavy on them, they tingle, I can actually feel my feet (usually you can’t feel your your feet, right? They’re just there) and no position is comfortable for long enough to drift back to sleep.
Exercise: I know how good moving my body makes me feel and how energised it leaves me feeling so I made an effort to keep up with my workouts and runs despite poor sleep some nights. Nothing has changed in terms of the exercises I’m doing and all still feels good. On the days I really haven’t slept well the weights are lowered and I really focus on form or I just walk.
Week 16
After sharing my restless leg issue on Instagram I had a few suggestions. The first being magnesium spray. The idea behind this is that a magnesium deficiency could be the cause and applying it topically ensures fast absorption. Also, magnesium is recommended for improving sleep. Unfortunately the spray made my legs extra itchy so I’m not sure how long I’ll keep using it.
Another suggestion was a relaxing warm bath, perhaps with Epsom salts (again another source of magnesium). Funny story - we went to a few different shops to get some salts but ended up buying some with added CBD extract - I’m too worried to try them in case there are ill effects and I end up getting baby high!! I did have a bath though which did help me relax but didn’t stop the early morning tossing and turning.
We ended this week with a private 16-week scan which was incredible! It’s hard to see what’s what at 12 weeks but this one showed an actual, real-life baby! MAD!
Exercise: I took it slower this week due to work schedules and a dip in energy. When it came to our weekend run I chose a lie in and day of pottering instead. I don’t feel bad in the slightest, listening to what your body needs is much better than pushing through!
16 week scan!
Week 17
I think we have the making of a baby bump! Kind of looks like I just ate a big meal but it’s something!
Exercise: no running again this week, I think we need to reconsider the time as first thing in the morning isn’t working right now. Studio workouts are still going strong though, I am now making sure not to push too hard with the weights, working at about a 60% capacity. I’ve also added yoga back into my daily routine to keep the hips mobile and keep everything in check.
Week 18
Midwife appointment! I was hoping to heart baby’s heartbeat using the Doppler, which would have been the reassurance I needed but the midwife said it’s not standard practice this time around. All in all it was a pretty standard check up - blood pressure taken and discussions had about any concerns of which there are none from me.
My blood results came back confirming I’m Rhesus Negative. Now, I’m no expert so I won’t go into detail but there are a few things to consider and watch out for now. If you want further information here’s a link. Personally, the midwife was clear in her explanation and I‘m not adding it to the list of things to worry about right now.
We went baby shopping this week! There was a mixture of overwhelming panic about the cost of everything and how much stuff there is to buy but then I realised that half of the stuff is probably surplus to requirement and once we moved to the baby clothes and nursery bits it all got more exciting. We’re not buying any big items yet as we’ll be moving in the New Year and it doesn’t seem logical but we couldn’t leave empty-handed so did pick up a cute sleepsuit!
Exercise: I’ve noticed a pattern in which my energy levels are best in the afternoon so I’ve been sure to keep active in the form of dog walks, yoga and a couple of home light-resistance workouts.
Week 19
I’ve convinced myself that I felt flutters! Like little pops on the inside!
I’ve started using a pelvic floor trainer - this is the one I have. Whilst they’re not necessary, I am driven by data and tracking and having a physical reminder to do PF exercises isn’t a bad thing. Just 5 minutes a day is all you need!
Exercise: sleep is a little better. I’m still waking up (2:36am pretty consistently) but I’m able to get back to sleep a bit faster and for a few nights I stayed in my own bed! This has meant I’ve had more energy for workouts. The weather has been awful and I’ve come to realise I’m a fair-weather runner so I’ve been using the stationary bike at the studio to keep my cardio in.
Week 20
It’s Christmas week! Our last as a family of two!
Sleep has been better again this week. As a result I’m feeling really good again. I almost feel guilty saying this but some days it doesn’t even feel like I’m pregnant!
A couple more pops or ‘flutters’ of movement, which is reassuring and so surreal. I’d liken them to being flicked from the inside. I try to set aside a bit of time in each day to just sit and relax as this is when I’m more aware of them. I read that baby is soothed and almost rocked to sleep when you’re up and about and so they’re the opposite - awake and active - when you rest. Not sure how true that is, but it does help just allowing for that time to tune into what I’m feeling. Baby can supposedly hear our voices now so at night too so we’re making an effort to talk to bump which is really sweet.
I am getting quite a bit of pressure low down in my pelvis, when I sit down I’m keeping my legs a little wider which helps and I’ve altered a few exercises to accommodate.
Exercise: I did two runs this week, one with the hubby and one solo. Inevitably the second was a little faster-paced as naturally I’m quicker off the mark (sometimes to my detriment) but it felt good. The only issue was my pelvic floor! As soon as I set off I needed a wee, despite going to the loo about 3 times beforehand. With the pressure in my pelvis I switched to sumo squats during studio workouts but by the end of the week I stopped squatting altogether and also stopped going on the bike – hopefully this is just positioning of baby and they’ll move up soon.
Week 21
Anomaly scan week! I’ve been feeling more movement from baby which is really reassuring but it didn’t stop the nerves creeping in before our scan. This one is more comprehensive than the others, the Sonographer was doing lots of measuring and checking. Thankfully from what she could see, everything was as it should be. Perhaps unsurprisingly however, baby was sat too low in my pelvis and measurements of their head couldn’t be taken so we have to go back in a couple of weeks. I see that as a bit of a blessing to be honest – the opportunity to see baby again! Honestly, nothing beats that feeling when you see them on the screen!
Exercise: Workouts are pretty consistent, I’m feeling motivated to keep them up. Yoga is a daily habit now, sometimes just 10 minutes a day, and I’ve also used YouTube for some prenatal Pilates sessions.
Week 22
Sleep seems to be the running theme of this pregnancy but thankfully it continues to improve!
The UK entered its third lockdown this week and it doesn’t look good. This got me thinking ahead to the birth of our little one. Will it be a lockdown baby? Born in the midst of a global pandemic with restrictions, social distancing rules and face masks? In all honesty, I feel a little anxious about it, angry too as our families may miss out on baby’s first few weeks (maybe even months) but there is nothing we can do so I’m trying to see the positives.
Thankfully UK guidelines changed in December with the role of birthing partners having been acknowledged. This means my husband should be able to attend the entirety of our little one’s arrival.
To finish on a more positive note, we started Hypnobirthing with The Happy Birthing Co this week and it was fab! From the offset, Laura had us thinking about the big things (like where and how we picture the birth) and introduced methods aimed at helping us feel empowered and ready for a calm birth experience. I just have to say to any skeptics, hypnobirthing isn’t actually anything to do with hypnotising – I’ve written a full post on what it is and our experience here.
Exercise: Still staying consistent with home workouts and a gentle run (which required a nature wee…that pesky pelvic floor)! Baby seems to have moved a bit so squats and such moves feel much more comfortable again.
Week 22
Rescan week and baby was behaving with their head in prime position for the sonographer! Everything is looking good and baby is pretty much bang on the ‘normal’ scale for growth.
Bump is certainly looking more round and pronounced and I’m absolutely loving it. There have been a few occasions during the night when I wake up with achy hips but nothing too bad and I guess it’s to be expected as baby supposedly doubles in weight over the next few weeks which means there is a lot of moving of the joints to accommodate!
Baby is definitely more active at night and I look forward to going to bed so that I can feel the kicks. The hubby hasn’t felt anything yet though we’re adamant we saw movement the other night! The scans show that I have an anterior placenta (meaning it sits at the front of my uterus, rather than the back) and the midwife did say that this can mean it takes longer for the kicks to be felt from the outside. I was trying to describe the feeling the other day, I still liken it to being flicked but every now and then there is a wave of movement that almost feels like something is scuttling on the inside!! Weirdly though, I still love it!
Exercise: So this week I had a bit of a pelvic floor incident when out on a run which in all honesty has knocked my confidence. That said, I’ve booked in with a Women’s Health Physio – Emily at Embrace Physio – as this is not something to ignore! Other than that, home workouts are good and I’m getting them in 3-4 times per week.
Week 23
Still feeling really good and feeling more kicks. The hubby felt one this week too which was so good!
Exercise: no running until I see the physio but home workouts as usual and all feeling good. I have noticed that if I don’t engage my core when getting up or rolling over there is a bit of ‘coning’ along the midline of my abdomen. This is normal as the muscles weaken with a growing bump and to combat it I’m either making an effort to engage my core, or rolling onto my side and using my arms to help me get up.
Week 24
The standout topic for this week has to be my physio appointment - such a good investment as Emily’s advice and instruction has really put my mind at ease. Essentially, my pelvic floor technique is absolutely fine and my PF is strong, baby is just sat so incredibly low that it’s putting pressure on and aggravating my bladder. I have a bit of homework to do in the way of practising pelvic floor pulses in a more functional position - eg. a squat, a lunge etc - and also really paying attention to holding a pelvic floor squeeze during movement. Emily is confident that as baby grows and moves up into the abdomen, my discomfort and issues should resolve themselves.
Exercise: no running for a few weeks (until baby moves up). Lots of pelvic floor work plus home workouts and as always, walking with the dog!
Week 25
I had my midwife appointment this week. Hubby was on loud speaker for the duration and we got to hear baby’s heartbeat on the Doppler - a strong 140BPM! Tummy measures at 23cm which places baby a little on the small side but still above the lowest percentile on the growth charts and as both myself and hubby aren’t the biggest of people it comes as no surprise that we likely won’t have made a tall baby! That said, there is plenty of growing time and the midwife showed no sign of concern.
A little apprehension is starting to set in about having not yet moved house and needing to make some big baby purchases. We only have 12 weeks left until baby is deemed ‘full term’! Note: a baby is ‘full term’ anywhere from 37-42 weeks.
Week 26
Lots of movement with a good pattern across the day shaping. There have been a few days when baby hasn’t been as active but not so much that I’m worried and they seem to make up for in an an evening.
We decided to go ahead and make some baby purchases this week, despite having no moving date. Items purchased include a cot and changing table, some basic newborn sleep and bodysuits, a sleepnest and a Snuggle baby bath (second hand). We’re getting a bedside cot and pram second hand. Just purchasing these has settled our minds a bit and made us feel more prepared. Next big thing is the car seat. This week I’ve also dived into disposable vs reusable nappies - lots to think about!
And just like that, we’re into the next trimester. I will add that anxiety is mostly being replaced by excitement to meet our little one now. I’ve joined Peanut - an app for meeting other new or expectant mums - which is really useful for sharing concerns, thoughts and feelings but also sometimes hilarious…the worries we all have, the weird and wacky things we Google and the joys of navigating around a pregnancy bump are all fun and games!