Top Gifts New Mums Didn't Even Know They Needed!

Prior to becoming a Mum myself I would default buy my friends and family cute little newborn outfits when their little ones made their way into the world. The thought was there - I wanted to buy something nice, and seemingly useful as babies need to wear clothes, right?! Plus, shopping to newborn outfits is so much fun!

When our boy was born we were inundated with some of the cutest clothes! Thankfully as we didn’t find out the sex before he arrived, we hadn’t bought many ourselves so the items were needed, and again, they are were adorable so we certainly don’t begrudge receiving them! However, with the rate at which babies grow, some were only worn once or twice before becoming too small which makes me sad!


With that in mind, I vowed to think outside the box when it came to buying for future friends and family members and their babies. Below are my top suggestions if you’re looking to treat any new Mum. They’re all practical but thoughtful, and there is a mix of items for Mum and her newest arrival!

  1. Swaddles!

    We were gifted some swaddles and forgot about them until day 2 or 3, but when we did remember them and used one, our boy was almost instantly calmed and more settled. It makes sense, right? They spent the latter part of their time in utero all squished up, cosy and warm, then they’re out in the open, unable to control their limbs (they don’t even know they have limbs!) so the swaddle better replicates their safe and snug environment.

    We used these velcro swaddles, which meant that his arms were secured by his sides, or across his body, but that his legs, and more importantly his hips, had more freedom to move. I have heard good things about this style too. If your baby loves to have his arms up by his head, then maybe he’d get on with these better.

  2. Sensory flash cards

    Even in the first few weeks of life, we swear our little human was interested in these. Babies can only see in black and white for the first few months so these are perfect for stimulating the brain and engaging him from the offset.

    Similarly, this sensory playmate is amazing for tummy time and even very early on sensory play!

  3. A Haakka pump

    In my experience, breastfeeding is messy business! Whilst my little one feeds on one side, I find that my other drips and leaks - not fun! Not wanting to feel soggy or to waste any of that precious milk, I did a bit of Googling and came across this* non-toxic 100% food grade silicone pump. It doesn’t require any actually pumping, and so it doesn't interfere with milk production; you just attach it to the breast sans-baby and the suction created holds it in place to catch the ‘let down’. This can either be discarded or, if desired, cooled and stored appropriately to start a reserve of breastmilk.

    *shop around for one of these - I got mine for around £4 from one of Aldi’s one-off baby events!

  4. A sling or carrier

    These are priceless in those newborn days and weeks (probably even months!) when your baby needs and wants to be close, but when Mum just needs a minute to get stuff done! It’s hard enough doing tasks with one hand when you’re holding your little one, but tiny babies that can’t hold up and control their heads require two hands! The fabric sling or a more-robust carrier (like this one) offer freedom and flexibility.

  5. Hand cream

    Simple but necessary with all of the hand washing that comes with having a newborn. I personally love this hemp cream from The Body Shop but any deep moisturising cream, perhaps with antibacterial properties, is good. Just make sure it’s not too heavily scented or synthetic and those hands are going to be on baby, don’t forget!

  6. A gift voucher for a local women’s health physio or a lactation consultant

    I recommend that all of the ladies I work with see a women’s health physio. Many offer a postnatal package but if not then you’re looking for one that can check Mum’s core and pelvic floor as a bare minimum.

    Alternatively, if you know the Mum you’re buying for wishes to breastfeed, then money towards an appointment with a lactation specialist is the great gift. Breastfeeding is challenging. Even if Mum and baby get the latch right at the beginning, the journey is still a minefield - sore nipples, blocked ducts and heaven forbid, mastitis can present themselves at any time. I’m sure it would be much appreciated to have some 1:1 support along the way. Better yet, many consultants offer online appointments via video link, so it doesn’t matter if you can’t find a local provider.

  7. Food!

    There’s no getting away from the fact that it can be challenging to find the time and/or energy to whip up a nutritious meal in the early days of new motherhood. If you’re a half-decent cook, then home cooked meals show that you really care. Alternatively, healthy pre-packaged meals are just as good. Supermarket offerings vary greatly in terms of their nutritional value but with a quick search you can find loads of providers online, and probably a local one too!. I have plans to stock up on a few freezer items from this supplier.

    Up until now (7 weeks in) we used HelloFresh to provide hassle-free meals 4 nights per week. It took the pressure off having to go food shopping or even think about what we wanted to eat, and we never had a bad meal with it. Perhaps you can purchase a recipe box or two for the new Mum? Other options similar to this include MindFul Chef or Gusto.

    A last option, during lockdown many restaurants ventured into supplying home meal kits and/or takeaways. Thankfully, a lot have carried on this service so why not see if your Mum’s favourite local has something to offer?

  8. Sock-ons

    For some reason, keeping a baby’s sock on is not an easy task! These are the perfect addition to a hamper that you might be looking to put together for Mum.


I’m sure that Mums will appreciate any gift or gesture that you send their way as it’s so lovely just to know that the gift-giver is thinking about you. That said, a simple text message goes a long way and may be even more relevant than any gift. Life with a newborn is incredibly demanding and even if the Mum is in her element, there will be good days and bad days, long days and even longer nights, hours when their baby is a delight, and hours when they seem possessed by the devil. Getting a text just asking how Mum is getting along (not asking about MUM, not baby!) could be just want Mum needs in that moment. Also, a message rather than a call mans that Mum can reply in her own time when she has a spare moment…a call will likely be missed, or Mum may be too distracted in the moment to properly tell you how she is feeling.

I hope this helps! I’ve already had one family member bring a baby into the world since our own arrived and I created a hamper featuring many of the goodies above. It was fun creating it and unless she’s just being polite, it went down a treat with Mum!

If you have any other ideas to add to the mix, then comment below and share!